Maine passes addiction bill; what it means and what it doesn’t mean

In an inspiring display of unity, the Maine House and Senate both unanimously passed the $3.7 million addiction bill which was then quickly signed by Governor Paul Lepage. Within a couple of short hours, Maine had adopted a comprehensive, bi-partisan bill to address the increasingly dire addiction epidemic in Maine. One of the questions that remained […]

Maine’s new medical marijuana in schools law poses risks that must be addressed

As has been reported, the Auburn School Committee formally adopted a policy for implementing Maine’s new medical marijuana law for children in schools. The law that was passed in the 2015 sessions, allows for students who have medical marijuana certifications, to have the drug administered by a parent or primary caregiver on school property. It specifically does […]

Maine’s bipartisan addiction bill is a good first step

As a Certified Prevention Specialist with a decade of experience in the field, I support the bi-partisan addiction bill LR 2599. I support this act because as a seasoned prevention professional, I’ve seen this story before. It is a story that has been told all too often. Just a few short years ago the story […]

DEA issues regulatory change to speed up marijuana research

BDN File

Researching one of the non-intoxicating components of marijuana, cannabidiol (CBD), will now be made easier because of new regulations released today by the US Drug Enforcement Administration. In line with a recommendation that has been endorsed and promoted by national marijuana education and advocacy group Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), DEA has waived registration requirements for researchers […]

Supporting families to prevent substance abuse

Despite what the lack of snow and downright balmy temperatures would tell us, Christmas is indeed coming up this week.  My house is abuzz with excitement amongst my family including my three children.  A couple of weeks ago, as is tradition, we picked out the tree and put up the ornaments.  With a daughter approaching […]

It’s official (still), the marijuana experiment in Colorado has failed

If there has been any doubt that the legal marijuana policy in Colorado has been a failure, new numbers from US Health and Human Services seal the deal.  The new 2013-2014 report of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that Colorado is now 1st in the nation for past month use of marijuana […]

How marijuana legalization could sink new plan to tackle Maine’s drug abuse crisis

Republican and Democrat leaders today unveiled their $4.8 Million plan to address the substance abuse epidemic facing the state of Maine.  It is a comprehensive plan that provides additional resources and supports for law enforcement, treatment, prevention, and recovery services.  It includes funding for the 10 new Maine DEA Agents Governor LePage has been requesting […]

Social stigma and substance use: Why language matters

Today I am once again turning over Smart Approaches to guest columnist Alison Jones Webb who has a great article on social stigma and substance use. Research shows that one reason people with addiction don’t seek treatment is the shame they feel about their condition. The shame springs, in part, from the social disgrace associated with […]

The case for universal prevention as a solution to the heroin crisis

This article was inspired, in part, by a recent presentation by the great Dr. Dennis Embry at the recent 2015 National Prevention Network Conference. As you might imagine, working in the field of substance abuse, I have been a part of a few discussions with colleagues about this heroin/opiate crisis our state faces.  In a […]

Colorado shows that marijuana legalization won’t lead to ‘responsible regulation’

One of the constant talking points of the pro-marijuana legalization forces is that their movement is about “responsible regulation” and that it would install an industry that would behave responsibly.  However, the latest news out of Colorado seems to suggest states simply don’t have the tools necessary to keep the industry honest.  An investigative report last […]